Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Critical Tuesday - Here We Go!

Clinton is finished tonight, as is Huckabee. Having said that... let's start our coverage of "Critical Tuesday".

Edit, 19:00 EST: CNN is projecting Obama as the winner of Vermont. Same with McCain, he's also being projected as the winner of Vermont.

Ohio polls to close in the next half hour, at 19:30 EST.

Edit, 19:09 EST: Barack is capturing key segments of the Vermont vote, and subsequently, key segment of Clinton's voter base. Women and senior citizens who typically voted for Clinton, are now switching sides to Obama, and in BIG numbers.

Edit, 19:25 EST: Ohio polls close in 5 minutes, with the exception of the polls in Sandusky County, which are open until 21:00 EST due to a storm in the area. Updates to follow shortly.

Edit, 19:31 EST: CNN is projecting John McCain as the winner of Ohio. No Democrat is being projected, CNN is calling it "competitive" in the Democrat race.

Edit, 19:39 EST: Some exit poll stats from Vermont: 56% of Democrats who attended college voted for Obama. 62% of those who didn't, voted for Clinton. A virtual tie of non-union households split the vote. Clinton got 54% of the vote from union workers, compared to 45% who voted for Obama.

Edit, 20:58 EST: Polls in Texas close in 2 minutes. Race in Ohio way too close to call.

Edit, 21:00 EST: CNN is projecting that John McCain has won the Texas race, and has clinched the GOP nomination! More details to come very shortly.